Resources from Lying or Living


Radical Honesty: What If We All Told the Truth? video from Like Stories of Old via YouTube (2019)

Chapter 1

The Camp David Accords article from Wikipedia

Chapter 3

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow book by Yuval Noah Harari (2015)

Anthony Bourdain’s long-burning suicidal wick—in his own words article by John E. Richters (March 28, 2021)

Chapter 4

Paul Hawken: Blessed Unrest video via YouTube

Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw it Coming book by Paul Hawken (2006)

Chapter 5

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind book by Yuval Noah Harari (2011)

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow book by Yuval Noah Harari (2015)

Chapter 6

Radical Honesty: What If We All Told the Truth? video from Like Stories of Old via YouTube (2019)

Chapter 8

Some NEW Kind of Trailer Trash: An Autobiography book by Brad Blanton (2011)

The Myth of Sisyphus book by Albert Camus (1942)

The Courage to Be book by Paul Tillich (1952)

Chapter 9

The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism via The Buddhist Centre

Michael Pollan: Can Psychedelics Save the World? from Rolling Stone Magazine article by Mateo Hoke (May 15, 2018)

How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science Teaches us about Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression and Transcendence book by Michael Pollan (2018)

Chapter 10

Landmark Education: The Forum via Landmark Worldwide

Chapter 11

The Book of How: Answers to Life’s Most Important Question book by Raven Dana & Sherry Marts, PhD (2013)

Forgiveness is Good for Your Health article by Gregg Easterbrook from (March 2002)

Mak covers Why Don’t You Love Me? song by Hank Williams via YouTube

Chapter 12

Concerning the Jews essay by Mark Twain in Harper’s Magazine (March 1898)

Chapter 14

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali article from Wikipedia

Me and Bobby McGee song by Kris Kristofferson via YouTube (from Kristofferson album, 1970)

Bill Murray interview by Charlie Rose video from PBS (Feb. 2014; clip referenced begins at 48:43)

Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Live in the Present and Build a Future book by Brad Blanton (2000)

Chapter 15

Interview with Brad Blanton by Harry Gilliam video via YouTube

The Gestalt Prayer by Fritz Perls (original version)

Sometimes I Pretend Exercise video from the Radical Honesty Online Course

I Notice / I Imagine Exercise video from the Radical Honesty Online Course

Chapter 16

The Three Verbal Taboos video from the Radical Honesty Online Course

The Shoulds Game and Top Dog / Bottom Dog video from the Radical Honesty Online Course

Workin’ at the Car Wash Blues song by Jim Croce via YouTube (from I Got a Name album,1974)

Chapter 17

The Radical Honesty Online Course: Get Over Shit and BE Happy by the Radical Honesty Institute

Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Live in the Present and Build a Future book by Brad Blanton (2000; reference from Part Three: Creating Your Own Destiny)

Chapter 19

The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come article about The Hunger Project by Werner Erhard (1977)

The Healing of America book by Marianne Williamson (1997)

Chapter 20

Party at the End of the World song by Carsie Blanton via YouTube (from Love & Rage album, 2021)

Chapter 21

The Awareness Continuum video from the Radical Honesty Online Course

Chapter 22

In Memory of W. B. Yeats poem by W. H. Auden (1940)

Quick Note to Subscribers article by Charles Eisenstein via Substack (Aug. 12, 2022)

The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety book by Alan Watts (1951)

The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. quote attributed to Niels Bohr

Chapter 23

A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership book by James Comey (2018)

Open-Minded Man Grimly Realizes How Much of Life He’s Wasted Listening to Bullshit article from THE ONION (Feb. 26, 2011)

Christine Blasey Ford: Full Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee video via CBS News on YouTube (Sept. 27, 2018)

Not Good: This is not a time for tinkering around the edges campaign email from Friends of Bernie Sanders (July 12, 2022)

Fish and Whistle song by John Prine via YouTube (from Bruised Orange album, 1978)

Chapter 24

Unwifeable: A Memoir book by Mandy Stadtmiller (2018)

The Social Dilemma documentary by Jeff Orlowski (2020)

Revolutionary Love: A Political Manifesto to Heal and Transform the World book by Michael Lerner (2022)

Chapter 26

Directing the Power of Conscious Feelings: Living Your Own Truth book by Clinton Callahan (2010)

Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Live in the Present and Build a Future book by Brad Blanton (2000; reference from Part Three: Creating Your Own Destiny)

Chapter 27

You Are the World collection of talks by Jiddu Krishnamurti (1972)

Chapter 28

Annie Lalla

Hank Stone

Chapter 29

J.B.: A Play in Verse play by Archibald MacLeish (1968)

i thank Thee GOD for this most amazing day poem by E.E. Cummings (1950)

Chapter 30

Amsterdam film by David O. Russell (2022)

Worlds Apart: An Experiment from Heineken UK’s Open Your World Campaign via YouTube

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence sermon by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered at Riverside Church in New York City (April 4,1967)

Who We Really Are… When Everything Goes Wrong from Like Stories of Old via YouTube (2020)

Chapter 31

Butterfly Society essay by Hank Stone

Chapter 32

The Dance of Sympathy on a Planet Gone Mad essay by Brad Wolf (Aug. 25, 2022)

Chapter 33

War Machine song by Michael & Nell via YouTube (2022)

Chapter 34

The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World that Works for All book by Tom Atlee (2003)

I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon short story collection by Philip K. Dick (1985)

Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma? article by Richard Horton in The Lancet (April 11, 2015)

Over half of psychology studies fail reproducibility test article by Monya Baker in Science (Aug. 27, 2015)

Nobel winner declares boycott of top science journals article by Ian Sample in The Guardian (Dec. 9, 2013)

There’s No Such Thing Anymore, Unfortunately, as Facts article by James Fallows in The Atlantic (Nov. 30, 2016)

Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush article by Ron Suskind in The New York Times Magazine (Oct. 17, 2004)

Stephen Colbert interview by Nathan Rabin in A.V. Club (Jan. 25, 2006)

I am respectfully asking you to add your name to tell Congress it's time to rebuild our country's human infrastructure. Rebuilding America is not just bricks and mortar — we must also address the long-term structural crises that we face. Please add your name if you agree. Thanks. - B campaign email from Friends of Bernie Sanders (April 14, 2021)

She Left Me for Jesus song by Hayes Carll via YouTube (from She Left Me for Jesus album, 2008)

Chapter 35

Marc Gafni

Prayer by Peter Mitchell

Chapter 36

Love, Again book by Clinton Callahan

Terry Pratchett quote

American Leadership essay by Hank Stone

Beyond Capitalism essay by Hank Stone

Final Thoughts

Heart to Heart with Brad Blanton: Interview by Shakti Sundari via YouTube


The Grapes of Wrath novel by John Steinbeck (1939)

Diapsalmata in Either/Or book by Søren Kierkegaard (1843)

Requiem for our Species essay by Chris Hedges via Substack (June 11, 2023)