Contact and Withdrawal
Brad Blanton Brad Blanton

Contact and Withdrawal

Our need and yearning for contact with each other, and our equally desired and required need to get the hell away from each other—withdrawal—leads to conflict between, among, and within us…

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Our Survival Depends on Authentic Forgiveness
Brad Blanton Brad Blanton

Our Survival Depends on Authentic Forgiveness

We are writing this book about contact, withdrawal, and forgiveness because we believe that the ability to be in honest contact with others, and the capacity to forgive ourselves and others, is key to resolving a major crisis concerning our very survival as human beings…

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You’re A Liar…
Brad Blanton Brad Blanton

You’re A Liar…

…just like Donald Trump and me. Almost all of us have been taught all of our lives to avoid conflict. We set out to prove that our position is right and the other person’s position is wrong…

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