The latest book by Radical Honesty author and founder, Dr. Brad Blanton

From the author of


Lying or Living, the ninth title by Dr. Brad Blanton, is the latest in his series of books that began with the1995 Best-Seller Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth. Since then, Brad has led workshops and given talks worldwide, teaching thousands the awareness practice, models, communication tools and framework of Radical Honesty.

About the Book

Can Radically Honest Co-Hearted Communities Save Us From Ourselves?

In his latest book Lying or Living, Dr. Brad Blanton expands on this question through a series of both hilarious and sobering essays on human connection, isolation, psychotherapy, societal dysfunction, honesty, forgiveness (and yes, Donald Trump). Lying or Living also offers examples, exercises, videos, and songs about how to do the work of living radically honest lives, be in the here and now, clean up our past lies and create a brand new future.

The author and founder of Radical Honesty delivers his best summation and addition to his series of books on personal transformation through revolutionary truth-telling. Radical Honesty is not a moral imperative, rather a powerful tool and practice for escaping our stressed and depressed jail of the mind and in turn healing, creating, and deepening our interpersonal relationships.

Lying or Living is about facing the fact that we can’t have it both ways. When we are lying, withholding, or pretending, we’re not living life to its fullest, and we deprive others the opportunity to experience and love our authentic selves. Being radically honest means becoming aware of our present moment experience—our bodies, our surroundings, our thoughts—and simply sharing what we notice with others.

This book is also about discovering how miserably lost in mind-fuck-land we really are, individually as well as collectively, and how we might find our way out, together.

With the help of co-author and poet Tony Cuseo (50,000 Miles to Happiness), Dr. Blanton offers his most compelling argument for telling the truth: that honesty is our only hope of saving humanity from ourselves (or not).

“There can be no real intimacy where there is no transparency. And intimacy is the key to our survival.”

— Dr. Brad Blanton in Lying or Living